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Aktham Saif al-Din


Kurdish Peshmerga troops say that they will arm minorities in disputed areas of Iraq in order to tackle IS, but Baghdad remains sceptical.

24 January, 2016

Reinforcements are on their way to Ramadi as tribal forces surround the IS-controlled city and the international coalition steps up air raids in Anbar, in preparation for a large-scale offensive.

03 December, 2015

The spokesperson for the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State group has announced that the coalition has killed 1,000 IS fighters since operations began in 2014.

17 November, 2015

Thirty-six defendants accused of involvement in the Speicher massacre will be tried on 26 November, amid concerns that their sentences will be politicised.

11 November, 2015

Analysis: No officials have been held accountable since Prime Minister Abadi launched an anti-corruption campaign more than two months ago.

20 October, 2015

The Iraqi Forces Alliance claims it has rejected an effort to topple Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, as efforts to close in on the Anbar provincial capital seized by extremists intensify.

07 October, 2015

Analysis: The militant group has tested US and Iraqi readiness for battle by launching attacks, emboldened by the US preoccupation with Russia's intervention in the country.

07 October, 2015

Islamic State are bringing fighters into Baiji and fortifying the Iraqi town, the gateway to militant-held Mosul, in anticipation of a government counter offensive to retake the city.

29 September, 2015

The Pentagon's build-up in Iraq's largest province is forcing IS to change its strategies, according to officials, security experts and tribal sources.

29 September, 2015

US-led international coalition has conducted airstrikes against IS factories in Iraq's Mosul, including a chlorine gas factory, leaving dozens of civilians injured.

23 September, 2015