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Mansour Omari


Mansour Omari is a Syrian journalist and Syria correspondent for Reporters Without Borders. He is the author of Syria Through Western Eyes: In-depth look on the Western reporting on Syria in 2013-2014.

Opinion: A new report from Amnesty International lays bare the stark reality of sending Syrian refugees back home. It's time European countries took note, writes Mansour Omari.

10 September, 2021

Comment: Denmark is well aware of the dangerous reality of Assad's Syria. Instead of an inhumane social policy, it should examine its own links to the conflict, writes Mansour Omari.

15 April, 2021

Comment: The Koblenz trial is of national interest to Germany. Denying that, is to also deny Syrians a valuable, formal archive of Assad's crimes against humanity, writes Mansour Omari.

26 February, 2021

Comment: As long as Assad remains in power, true justice cannot be delivered to Syrians, writes Mansour Omari.

31 December, 2018

Interview: Mansour Omari speaks to human rights lawyer Scott Gilmore to find out more about Marie Colvin's case, the first war crimes-related one against Syria's government to reach US court.

17 April, 2018

Comment: The word 'crematorium' obscures the extent of Assad's crimes. His furnace is an illegal way of disposing of bodies, denying relatives their right to a corpse, writes Mansour Omari.

16 May, 2017

Comment: Mansour Omari, a Syrian journalist and survivor of Assad's extermination cells, says western governments must stop legitimising the Syrian regime's ruler, and act on their moral and legal duty.

08 May, 2017

Comment: In response to Assad's brutal crackdown on independent journalism, many ordinary Syrians began documenting what they saw around them - an act of resistance in itself, writes Mansour Omari.

02 May, 2017