

A Yemeni journalist

A Yemeni journalist

While the war has dampened the occasion of Eid in Yemen, the recent rial collapse and price hikes have made it more complicated this year and stolen the joy for many families.

20 July, 2021

Analysis: With the announcement of a new UN special envoy imminent, the fourth in 10 years, an end to the fighting in Yemen seems as elusive as ever.

12 July, 2021

Analysis: Efforts to revive the Riyadh agreement are unlikely to end Yemen's multi-faceted conflict.

17 July, 2020

In-depth: The separatist takeover of Socotra island is indicative of Saudi Arabia's approval for efforts which undermine Yemen's unity.

01 July, 2020

The threat of execution has now become a potential punishment against journalists in Yemen, reflecting the deadly reality of reporting in the war-torn country.

29 April, 2020

Comment: Five years of conflict have taught Yemenis that ceasefires are usually followed by a fresh surge in fighting on the frontlines, writes a Yemeni journalist.

14 April, 2020

The longer the war lasts in Yemen, the more dangerous the journalism profession becomes.

07 January, 2020

Saudi media released some details of an agreement which covered contentious political and military issues, but how this deal is expected to yield fruit remains to be seen.

27 October, 2019

While the Saudi-led coalition failures in Yemen keep swelling, the Houthi confidence keeps boosting.

09 October, 2019

Fighting between the government and the separatists, seen as a civil war within Yemen's already complex conflict, sparks fears it could break apart unless a peace deal is forged soon.

29 August, 2019