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Karen Dabrowska

Karen Dabrowska

Karen Dabrowska is a London-based freelance journalist focusing on the Middle East and Islamic Affairs. She is also the author of ten books.

Follow her on Twitter: @KarenDabrowska1

Seasoned adventurer and esteemed tour guide Geoff Hann passed away at the age of 85 in Iraq. Leaving behind a storied legacy, he was revered across the Middle East for his willingness to explore, educate and enjoy the region's historical treasures.

14 July, 2022

Yemen is known around the world for its rich history of coffee cultivation. Amid continued political turmoil, the drink has become an increasingly important symbol for the nation, with brewers leading the way to export the country's finest product.

06 July, 2022

Lorien Haynes's latest exhibition uses her experience as a feminist and a survivor of sexual abuse to support and empower victims of violence. Her art is a platform to interrogate patriarchal norms and advocate for women's rights around the world.

24 March, 2022

Currently, in an exhibition at London's Brunei Gallery, Coexistent Ruins is a visual research project helping Iraqis reclaim their vibrant historical past by taking inspiration and repurposing its past to help reimagine a better future.

24 February, 2022

With his first solo exhibition in London underway, °®Âþµº sits down with eminent French street artist COMBO to discuss how, by fusing his French and North African identities, he is able to encourage social plurality through artistic disruption.

12 January, 2022

For thousands of years, the Euphrates River has borne some of humanity's greatest civilisations. A new video project is hoping to capture the significance of the river and its peoples by recording its oral traditions and heritage for posterity.

21 December, 2021

London's Mosaic Rooms' latest exhibition explores the architectural and mental confinement of Palestinian refugees, consigned to a life of displacement and exile within their own homeland. However, within such isolation, forms of resistance emerge.

06 December, 2021

As part of Halabja's artistic revival, a collective of 13 Kurdish artists put on a showcase at Portsmouth Cathedral to celebrate Halabja art and culture and highlight how Halabja was and is more than just a 1988 chemical attack.

11 November, 2021

With this years Jameel Prize adjudicated on making a political statement or commemorating a loved one through Islamic traditions, °®Âþµº speaks with the finalists about their creative vision and what poetry to politics means to them.

20 October, 2021

In what is the UK's first major exhibition on Iranian civilisation in over 90 years, the Victoria and Albert Museum's 'Epic Iran' exhibition has been a resounding success in presenting the majesty of Iranian art and culture, and in dispelling myths.

05 August, 2021