It is rare in the Arab world to seewomen in . Out of twenty-two countries in MENA, only onehas a female prime minister: Tunisia.
When geologistNajla Boudenwas appointed in September last yearTunisia's president Kais Saied hailed it as“anhonourfor Tunisia and a homage to Tunisianwomen”.Eight of the 24 ministersin her government are women.
It came just two months after the president , dismissed the prime minister, and announced he would rule by decree.
On 7 March, state media showedTunisia'sleader standing besidemembers of the newly appointed judicial council, ofwhich 10 out of 21 members were women. The announcement came a month after of the former independent watchdog.
"The social contract between state and citizen did not extend to women"
The president has followed this pattern for months now;dissolving democratically elected bodies andappointing new ones under his control but with a higher gender parity rate.
But is Kais Saied really interested in greater gender equality in politics? It's unlikely.
Saied has never claimed to be a feminist and the former university professor is widely known for his conservative views regarding women’s rights.
Endorsed by the Islamist political party Ennahda in the second round of the 2019 election, Saied saidthat “the debate about equality in inheritance is wrong".
Experts argue that Saied’s new focus on gender equalityis a distractionfrom his - a strategyinherited from his predecessors.
“When a weak democracy is descending into an authoritarian regime, the instrumentalisation of women’s rights is a wayforleaders to extinguish the anger of the West,” Emna Semmari, a Tunisian gender analyst, told .
From Bourguiba to Saied
The first post-independence Tunisian leader Habib Bourguiba gavewomen the right to vote, abolished polygamy, forbade marriage under the age of 17, and allowed women equal rights to divorce.
Far from being a democratBourguiba nonetheless became a favoured leader of the West as hetouredthe streets of Tunis unveiling hijabi women as part of his women's liberation parade.
His ban on 'radical' clothing was eventually lifted in 2011.
With Bourguiba’s successorBen Aliassuming power in 1987a policy emerged in which the rights of women seemed to be protected butwithout guaranteeing wider human rights.
Under the Ben Ali regime, Tunisian women married to foreigners the right to pass on theircitizenship to their children, with further reforms of family and work codesfor women’s rights.
Hiding behind the status of a women's rights defender, Ben Ali continued to silence his opponents, jail journalists, and target human rights activistsuntil 2011 when the Tunisian peopleousted him after
In the aftermath of the 2011 uprising, Tunisian women found themselves torn between joy and fear.They were happy to seethe end of a two-decade-long police state but fearfulfor their rights amid the rise to power of anIslamist party.
Tunisian women’s concerns were further fuelled during the process of drafting the post-revolution constitution when Ennahda spokesperson Samir Dilousaidpolygamy was a fundamental principle that Ennahda was determined to include.
The party ended up approving Article 21 of the 2014 Tunisian constitutionwhichstipulated thatmale and female citizens are equal in rights and dutiesbut without approvingequality in inheritance.
said it was a betrayal of Tunisian women.
"Experts argue that Saied's new focus on gender equalityis a distractionfrom his power grab - a strategyinherited from his predecessors"
The road to equality
“Women's representation[in politics]is vital, but we do not need little known women displayed as decorative vases in electoral lists and key positions to impress the world,” Emna Semmari told .
In 2011, Tunisia the gender parity law that requires party lists for national elections to contain an equal number of men and women. To respect the parity law, parties tend to put not-politically engaged women from their families in the electorate lists, according to Semmari.
Women enjoy the same right as men to join the electoral race in the country butsocial and economicchallenges often hinder theroad to leadership positions.
“Many Tunisian women believe that women cannot be good politicians, as many men prohibit their wives and sisters from joining political activities, sayingpolitics requires going out late and they cannot accept that," Semmari told .
Financial dependence on men and the lack of education about women’s political rights, particularly in rural areas, exacerbate the issue.
Despite these strugglesEmna argues that if women believe in each otherprogress will be possible, both in Tunisia and the Arab world.“There’s a light at the end of the tunnel,” she said.
"When a weak democracy is descending into an authoritarian regime, the instrumentalisation of women's rights is a wayforleaders to extinguish the anger of the West"
Nocountry in the world has achievedgender equality,witharound80% of key political positions worldwide by men.
The obsession overwomen's bodies, rights, and freedoms has never been limited to the Muslim world. It’s global.
“The social contract between state and citizen did not extend to women. Women have been excluded and pictured as an 'other'who is not by any sense equal to a man,"Moroccan gender expert Karima Nadir told .
"We need a new political and social system, instead of trying to fix one that has been built by men to serve men.”
Basma El Atti is 's Moroccocorrespondent.
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